August 17, 2011

Estee Lauder loot.

Yeah, I know. Estee Lauder? I think the last time I bought EL was 3 Christmases ago, when I got my mom a fragrance set and the slightly gaudy GWP that came with it.

I can only blame Dusty Hunter for this, as his last blog entry was all about the wonder of Estee, and the pretty things they just put out. So I stopped by the counter this afternoon, intending to swatch a few things and see if anything looked as intriguing in person as it did in his post.

And I walked away with this:

The packaging is weighty and classy, in a faintly overdone way that somehow appeals to my magpie Pisces sensibilities. (Though it shows fingerprints like crazy. But whatever. It's shiny!)

I'll do a full review of these in a little while, but I will say that I was impressed by the texture of most of the eyeshadows I swatched, and the Metallic Sage nail polish is stunning. If you're a nail addict, consider it a collector's item. You will kick yourself if you miss out. 

My oh-my-god item is the Fuschia Fever lipstick. It was grossly expensive (32$ in Canada compared to 24$ in the US, another rant for another time) but I could not walk away from it. Just gorgeous.

(I purchased these items.)

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