September 02, 2014

Decluttering My Makeup: Part 1

In a long overdue fit of organizational frenzy, I've decided to systematically go through my stash and purge the things that I'm not using or otherwise enjoying. No worries, I'm still a hoarder collector at heart, but sometime in the last few months I actually reached that point of feeling overwhelmed by my collection. I'm not interested in downsizing specifically, and I have absolutely zero shame or embarrassment about my collection, but I do the beauty thing for the joy of it, and when pleasure is replaced by anxiety, it's a good sign that some reassessment is required.

I wanted to be really thorough in my process, so I'm literally going drawer by drawer. I've opted to put this to film, and to hold myself accountable - literally - by putting numbers down for everything I own and am passing on. If you're interested, the first three parts are now up on my youtube channel.

(I will be giving a first run at things to my family and friends - including a care package to Poland -  and then I'll be doing a blog sale/pass-along post, which I will update as I go through further portions of my collection.)

(If you do watch, let me know if you prefer music or no music over the title at the beginning of the video. I'm still undecided.)

It feels like there's a wave of decluttering happening on youtube right now. Are any of you guys doing this? I know Latoya from Beauty Obsessed is in the middle of something similar on her blog, if you haven't seen her latest post it's here and definitely inspirational.


  1. I've only seen the first video thus far but I'm loving it! I really enjoy decluttering videos in general, partly because I'm always trying to edit my collection, but also because it's almost like a comparison review of the products someone else has tried, and what really worked or didn't work in the end.

    1. Aw, thank you!

      I feel the same way about decluttering videos that go into more detail, it gives me a good idea of what might be worthwhile products based on what I know of that person's preferences. I'm not a huge editor by nature, but every now and then the Virgo side of me achieves dominance and forces the Pisces to get off the big pile of gooooooooold. ;)

  2. I love watching decluttering videos no matter what the subject matter is (makeup, clothing, skincare, etc). I'm a major clutter-hater and I love to see things streamlined and reduced in size, so these videos you're making are an absolute pleasure for me to watch! Keep it going Maggie and congratulations on being so ruthless :P

    1. Did you ever watch those organization shows on TLC? Those were my faaaaaavorite. They're the non-anxiety-inducing version of Hoarders. :D

  3. Anonymous5.9.14

    Sometimes I feel like an alien when I read about "de-cluttering". Then again, maybe it's a sign that I'm a hoarder. *shrugs*

    To be fair, I did begin my makeup collections years ago (most of you were either not even born yet, or in diapers for sure. Yeah - I'm dating myself) and from the start, I've always been attracted to the luxury brands. In fact, when I began teaching piano back when I was 15 and had just 7 students, any money not spent on school books was squirrelled away until I had enough to buy this stunning hot pink YSL blush - so yeah, my high-end makeup addiction goes way back. That being said, I've never been interested in the more mass-produced ranges and if it weren't for the fact that I get gifted thanks to my blog, I wouldn't actually go and spend the money ... although I don't deny that even mass-market brands have stepped up their game quality and even packaging-wise. As I told you in person, I'd rather take the $25-$30 and apply it towards a CHANEL/Dior/YSL/Armani/shu uemura/Bobbi Brown/Laura Mercier/MAKE UP FOR EVER/etc. (take your pick) than spend it elsewhere. But I never stop looking at other brands too, dammit....and even I occasionally fall off the wagon and indulge!

    So, all that to say I won't be doing any personal de-cluttering any time soon, lol! I am collecting a box of doubles and products given to me that I can't wear for a donation to a woman's shelter. Maybe that counts as de-cluttering?!

    1. Lol! I think all beauty bloggers/vloggers are hoarders to some degree.

      I'm a fool for organization, so I really enjoy decluttering videos when they're actually about getting a collection or space organized and functional. I can also appreciate them when someone is going through a lifestyle change and is really downsizing, for a variety of reasons. (It's not my thing as a collector, but hey, I get it.)

      What I don't love is the rush of decluttering videos that seem to be a trend thing - if such a thing is possible - where there's no rhyme or reason to the process, and then it just becomes an excuse to hoard more shit. It's especially annoying to watch when the person claimed to LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMG IT'S MY FAVOURITEST EVAAAAAAR - and then it gets trashed after having been used once or twice. It makes me question the reliability of their whole channel.

  4. Yay to decluttering, Maggie! Thanks for the shout-out...I've had all my shadows in a box ready to continue the comparison & purge, but fell off the wagon a bit. These videos (great BTW) got me back on track, and I got rid of 23 shades so far! I'm well under the 100 mark shadow limit I'd set for myself now (I'm actually hovering around 84 and I suspect I'll be even less by the time I'm done). I spent the entire day watching these vids (and Tati's Makeup Graveyard vids - great reco!) and went to town. I find this kind of thing terribly inspirational too! I think you echoed my sentiments pretty closely about everything - it's not the downsizing I find necessary exactly (I use the numbers goal as a guideline just to START somewhere), but just the desire to love and use what I have, rather than hanging on to things *just because*. If I have a huge pile of shadows (for example) but I love every one and use most of them regularly, I'm a happy gal. Great work and I hope to see more of these vids!

    Oh and I like the music at the beginning, personally :)

    1. Haha, thank you for the feedback! :D

      I'm probably a little more on the "hanging on to things" side of the spectrum than you when it comes to collecting, but I do, at the very least, want to have things in my collection that I enjoy. Even if it's just to look at, for the pleasant feelings of nostalgia. But there are so many things that I'm not using or am otherwise "meh" over - why keep those? It's a waste of space, especially since I live in a relatively small house and I can't expand my collection space indefinitely. I have no plan to stop purchasing makeup anytime soon, so at some point it just comes down to the math of finite space, right?

  5. I don't think I'm ready to do a mass declutter, but I'm definitely going to start assessing what has maybe gone bad and what I really don't use. Sometimes it's hard to part with things that I don't use because of nostalgia.

    Watching all your videos has definitely given me some extra motivation to get on it.

    1. Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm doing. I don't have a downsizing goal in mind. It's more of a makeup awareness project, than a makeup declutter project. :P

  6. Hi, I found your blog through Pinterest in the make up storage subject, however, I fell in love with the color of your wall!!!
    Do you happen to know the name of the color and the pain brand?
    I am looking for something just like this to paint my baby's room!
    Thank you in advance

    1. Hi!

      It's Palladian Blue, from Benjamin Moore. I would definitely do a test patch first though, as it looks a little different depending on your lighting - more blue or green. :)


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