April 03, 2012

Girl Cave

I've been struggling to get some posts up, but this honestly wasn't the best week for it. A heavy workload accounts for part of it, but my time was also largely eaten up by the basement reno. The hubby has been building it over the past few weeks, and just recently it got the point where I can contribute - namely, moving all my crap down, organizing, moving furniture around and thinking about decor. Since the Girl Cave will be largely devoted to makeup (and books!), I thought I would post a little look into how it came along.

As you can see, this was an unfinished basement. The picture on the left was after the reno had already started - the subfloor and partition was not there originally.

On the right, you can see my lovely man, wielding some sort of power tool. RaaaaAAAwwwr.

This is the other room, which will be a guest room and a place to keep our elliptical. (Perhaps we will now use it!) The empty space there is a closet.

The way the Girl Cave looked a couple of weeks ago. The paint is this gorgeous mix of blue and seafoam, Palladian Blue from Benjamin Moore. (The paint in the other room is darker and more gray-toned, called Piedmont Gray.) They both change colors dramatically depending on the lighting. The basement actually gets a lot of light for a room of that sort, so I'm pretty happy. Though figuring out the placement for the makeup vanity was a struggle. 

And then it was done! 

The floors are commercial-grade floating floors, called Mocha Teak. Since we plan on getting dogs soon, they needed to be pretty indestructible, as well as pretty to look at.

A few different placement options. One side will be a little reading/napping nook, with the vanity in the middle, and the bookcases will be built-in on the other side. Just had to decide on where to put the couch.

And now....the organizing! Where's a Virgo when you need one? :P


  1. Anonymous3.4.12

    GORGEOUS!! You lucky duck! I'd LOVE to have my own room just for makeup! Sigh. Can I come over and play? :)

    1. Absolutely! =D

      The hubby is absolutely awesome for building this for me, though I suspect part of his motivation was the fear of drowning under my makeup piled precariously in the bedroom. ;)

  2. I really love it! The blue/seafoam wall color with the wood is just gorgoues.

    1. Thank you, Alicia!

      Of course, is it any surprise we both picked Piscean color schemes? :P

  3. This is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing photos! It looks miraculous. I need something like this one day.

    1. Thank you! I will pass the compliments on - he worked his butt off, I'm sure he'll appreciate them. =)

  4. THE GIRL CAVE HAS ARRIVED!!!! Woo-hoo! Love it & love the colours you chose; as a matter of fact, I'm fairly certain that those 2 shades I've used before too (love Benjamin Moore paints!) As to needing a Virgo, I have to say that in my experience, it's Cancerians like me that are the absolute MASTERS at organizing! Lololol! By the way, has anyone ever told you that your man looks quite a bit like Jason Statham (at least from that angle he does!) And YAY for getting dogs -- I can bring my Rocky over to play! This is fabulous, Maggie...enjoy, enjoy!

  5. I love that it seems all of us beauty obsessed gals seem to be paired with men who totally 'Get It' - that makes me so happy :D This looks like a fantastic room Maggie, I'm so stoked for you to get it set up just the way to want. I can't WAIT for the day when I have a girl cave, a room devoted to all kind of things I love - mainly beauty!! Your man did a fantastic job, may you use and love this room for many days to come!!

  6. I would love to steal your wonderful design scheme for the makeup vanity as a surprise welcome home gift for my daughter when she comes home from college. Would you be able to share the specifics for the vanity table you used? I looked for it on IKEA but they all seem to have a pull out drawer at the top where as yours does not. Would you mind sharing? Thanks!

    1. Hi Erin! The table is basically just the Linnmon tabletop resting on top of the Alex drawer units. The size would just depend on how wide you want or need it to be. :)


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