December 04, 2011

I don't hate you, internet.

I've just been inundated with work. Most of my November has been lost to 12-15 hour days at my regular day job - I currently work as a visual merchandiser, which means I've given up on sleep until January 1st. (That is literally how I will be spending my NYE - dozing blissfully into 2012.)

I also run a small (micro, really) business on the side, which also tends to ramp up pre-holidays.

So yes. I had many wonderful posts planned, and got a bunch of stuff to review for y'all. Instead I spent my evenings starting at the wall, and buying more stuff. The latter works out well for this blog though, and I promise I will be updating (with words! and pictures!) very soon.

Part 1:
Blurry pic with my older phone.

Part 2 (added a week later):
Better pic with my new phone.

See? These crappy phone pics are just the begining. ;)


  1. Wait! Is this all for yourself?! Jealous!

  2. Yeah....retail therapy. November was "I quit" levels of insane, so I indulged a fair bit. ;-)


Hi! Thank you for your comment, I love to hear back from you guys. =) I try to respond back to every comment within a few days.

Please don't use this comment form for self-promotion, though. It's bad blogger etiquette. And we don't wish to upset Emily Post. ;)