November 19, 2012

Sephora Cinderella Compact Mirror

I'll be honest - when I heard that Sephora was putting out a Disney Cinderella collection I was expecting something aimed for the tween market. Cute, bubble-gum, insipid.

How wrong I was. The whole collection is beautiful, whimsical and aimed at adult women who can still remember themselves as girls, warbling along to Ariel and Belle (my personal favourite - her face when she saw the Beast's library endeared her to me forever). The star product is the most unexpected: the compact mirror. I'm not the type of girl who carries a compact with me, but I'm damn well going to be from now on, just so I can have an excuse to whip this out at any given moment.


So, so pretty. It's beautiful, and intricate. It feels like you're holding a fairytale in the palm of your hand.  It makes me want to coo at birds and squirrels. Plus it actually feels substantial and well-made.

Yeah. I have the sudden need to watch Enchanted, right this minute.

(I purchased this item at Sephora.)


  1. I agree, I also thought the collection was going to be twee! NICE pick, Maggie - this compact is effing GORGEOUS. Whip that shiz out with pleasure, my dear!


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