November 18, 2012

Burberry Haul at the Clarins Warehouse Sale

 Montreal has its flaws (political corruption, insane construction, blistering winters), but it more than steps up when it comes to warehouse sales. For beauty brands, we get l'Oréal, Guerlain (assuming you are willing to brave the 3 hour line), Clarins, Lise Watier and Annabelle/Marcelle.

The Clarins sale isn't my favourite, since it tends to be heavy on the skincare and fragrance, light on the makeup. (See my review from the Spring sale here.) That's why I nearly fell over when I saw what they had at this last Fall sale - namely, Burberry Beauty.

Oh yes. Much flailing ensued. They didn't have a ton from the range: four foundations, two of the bronzers, a handful of eyeshadows, about a dozen lipsticks, one eyeliner and a sad blonde mascara that no one even looked at. Still, I found it hard to parse out what I truly wanted from what I felt like I should get, based on the price alone. I'll admit that my restraint was not based on moral fortitude, but on the fact that I already splurged a bit at the Nordstrom counter when I was Stateside last month. (Reviews for those items forthcoming!)

I ended up getting Sheer Eyeshadow in Midnight Blue and Midnight Plum, Lip Cover in Blush, Cameo and Deep Burgundy. No reviews, as I have not worn them yet, but I thought you might like to see  some pictures and quick swatches?

Midnight Plum and Midnight Blue

Midnight Blue and Midnight Plum. Natural and artificial light.
Midnight Blue and Midnight Plum. Artificial light.


Cameo, Blush, Dark Burgundy.
Cameo, Blush, Dark Burgundy. Natural and artificial light.

Cameo, Blus, Dark Burgundy. Artificial light.

I gotta say, Burberry makes a great first impression. The quality is obvious from the start, just in the feel of these. The packaging is incredibly elegant and swanky, with the Burberry check and the magnetic closures.

I can't locate my receipt, but I remember the eyeshadows being 15$, and the lipsticks were either 15$ or 20$. I just checked the pricing on the Burberry Canada site, and it is 30$ for the Sheer Eyeshadows, 40$ for the Lip Covers. year? Anyone willing to brave the lines?


  1. What an amazing surprise! I would have been flailing as well!

    1. It was! And the strangest part was how unoccupied that part of the counter was. I guess because Burberry doesn't have a retail presence in Montreal yet, there weren't that many people who knew how awesome this was.

  2. Judith19.11.12

    Braving a 3 hour line? Hmm...don't know if I'd do it. You have more patience than me that's for sure. That blue is really something. I've never used Burberry products, but that blue....makes me want to try this brand. Curious to see the reviews on your Nordstrom haul.

    1. Oh no, I gave up on Guerlain last time. Not standing around for 3 three hours for anything. The lines for the other sales are usually much more reasonable, usually around the 30 minute mark. I guess it's because Guerlin only does the sale on one day? Meh.

      I have to finish my review for the Burberry stuff I got in NYC, and I'll add a note about these guys too. =)

  3. Sweet as, Maggie! Burberry hauls are the best!! I could easily splurge of everything from the brand and die happy. However.....I would also die terribly poor lol! That's awesome that they had the brand at the warehouse sale! And let me say again how envious I am of you and these sales! Damn...these really need to happen closer to home...

    1. I had to restrain myself - I kept putting things in my bag and taking them out, lol! Once you go Burberry... :P

  4. ❤❤❤Wow! This eyeshadows are amazing!
    I love love this colors ❤❤❤

    1. They are really gorgeous - I'm so pleased I got them! :)

  5. Thank you for posting such informative blog posts. Do you know when any warehouse sales happen in Vancouver?


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