May 24, 2012

A Study in Seafoam

The Girl Cave is almost completed! It seems like this project has taken months to complete - no wait, it HAS taken months to complete. With the end nearly in sight, and the makeup portion of the room pretty much set-up, I thought I might share a quick picture (though if you follow me on twitter you've seen it already).

I'm a sucker for teal/aqua/seafoam shades, both in makeup and otherwise. Inspired by the room color, I tried to find something similar in my nail polish stash, and the closest I could come was Orly's Ancient Jade. It leans a little too green compared to the wall color (which actually looks bluer than it is in these pictures), but it captured the mood and was perfectly appropriate for the awesome Summer weather we had this weekend.

I'd like to eventually do a storage video, but I can't decide whether to wait until the rest of the room is done as well. Any preferences?


  1. This is truly gorgeous. GAH! Your room, the color schemes, the oodles of storage!

    1. Hi Jane, thank you so much! I'm really happy with the storage solution - it was tough to find something that would be functional, reasonably attractive and relatively inexpensive. I'm glad it's pulled together! =)

  2. This is too pretty to be called a cave. It's a boudoir, madame!

  3. This is so gorgeous, Maggie! And I'm with Liz. It's a boudoir!

  4. Anonymous28.5.12

    I'm with both Liz & Larie: boudoir, it most definitely is! Or "makeup bower" or "beauty central" or.... lol!

    It's absolutely stunning, Maggie and kudos to both you & the hubs for pulling it off! Enjoy, enjoy!

    1. Thank you! I think Androo was as happy as I was to finally see this completed. He just put together the last of the Ikea furniture in the rest of the room and breathed a huge sigh of relief. :D

  5.'re taking my breath away here Maggie, I am so envious!! Oh my gosh, you have created the perfect room, I love it! I love the storage, the colors, the setup, the chair ! Simply fantastic. I wish I had room in our new place to make this happen - unfortunately the extra room we'll have will be a spare for guest/office combo - makeup palace just won't fly LOL. In my next home for sure though!! I hope you enjoy your girl cave to the fullest!

    1. Toyarosie, your comment pretty much made my day! =D

      I hear you on the lack of space. My makeup hoard was taking over the bedroom with no end in sight until the hubby finally had enough and decided to refinish the basement, lol!

      Do you perchance have a closet you're not otherwise using in the spare room? I've seen some great hideaway vanities done in small spaces like closets. Like this:

      Would that be an option for you?

  6. Anonymous2.6.12

    OH WOW! This is just a dream Maggie! So amazing! Sigh, look at all that storage!!

    1. Isn't it?? It still makes me giddy to look at it. Androo is going to milk this for years, let me tell you!

  7. Hi there!

    I was wondering how you got the taller Vika Alex drawers because I only see the shorter ones on the website.


    1. Hey! The taller ones are available as well when I look. Type in just "alex" in the search field, and it should come up. Otherwise this is the link:


  8. Hi Maggie! What is it you put on top of your shorter Alex drawers to form your vanity?


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