January 20, 2013

This week on Instagram...

It took me a while, but I've succumbed to the lure of Instagram. It's the filters. I blame the filters, and their soft-focus magic. I wish my actual life was half as pretty as the pictures purport it to be. (Note: If you follow me there, this post may be somewhat redundant.) 

This week has been a strange one, mostly focused on nesting activities, for lack of a better word. We acquired a new carpet, new curtains and a new coffee table, which spurred a frenzy of organizing and house styling. Or maybe a vacation from work left my merchandising muscles feeling underused? Either way, I ended up re-doing all my bookcases, including this one - which is where some select crockery and keep-worthy home decorating magazines now reside.

Speaking of crockery, I picked up these little gems at Home Sense. (The one near me is newly opened, and NO ONE goes there. Seriously, the week before Christmas, there may have been five people in the store at any given time. Which means you can actually find cool stuff without having to body-check the lady shopping next to you.)

I also felt compelled to give my bathroom a boost, to distract from the unfinished state (i.e.: the walls sadly in need of fresh paint, and the mirror that is still propped up on the wall after the old one abruptly - and alarmingly - fell off and crashed into a jillion pieces).

Of course,  I did have to work in some beauty-related organizing. I've mostly finished re-doing my vanity and beauty storage, and will be re-filming my collection video soon. (I've already posted pictures of some of the drawers. Let me know if you want a detailed pictorial on the blog to go along with the new video.) This is a quick look at the vanity.

And since one can never have enough storage, I pressed upon the kindness of my darling hubby to build me a second nail polish rack. And voila! A little wall of OPI.

So that's been my week. How was yours?


  1. ...KILLS ME, I tell you!

    Honestly, after fixing up my makeup drawer, I went on a frenzy cleaning up my spare room, as it's still got a few unpacked boxes and just 'extras' since its not in use. I want to get it ready to go so I can make it sort of like a 'playroom' - I'd die for a vanity table. Goal for 2013!!!

    1. Lol!!

      I think a playroom is a very worthy goal. To vigorously paraphrase Woolf, what lady doesn't need a room of her own? ;)

  2. Judith21.1.13

    Love the little nooks! Very calming colors. On the Home Sense buys- Haha! Totally feeling the "body-check the lady shopping next to you," thing. I think all of us women have done that at some point or another! ;) Your dressing room looks great! That's what brought be to your blog, the room tour you had of it on youtube. I really loved that nail polish rack. Presently I have the clear acrylic ones, but I'm not in love with it. It's not esthetically pleasing. So maybe I'm going to have to persuade the hubby to do something similar. We just moved into our house (last Friday) and I have so much unpacking to do. One of the rooms I will turn into a dressing room/vanity as well. Can't wait to get to that. (I've gone crazy hoarding photos on Pinterest for ideas!) Well, I should get back to unpacking! (I go online on my breaks! ) hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you!! I love hearing that the YT videos are fun/helpful.

      The acrylic units are really convenient, but I'm not a fan of how industrial they look, and they get dusty SO easily and are a right pain to clean.

      Congratulations on the new house! =D Are you going to post pictures of your dressing room (so fancy! so Hollywood!)?

  3. Judith26.1.13

    Thank you! Eventually, I might maybe. after everything is unpacked and in its place. I was thinking a bit Hollywood glamour yes! More like the way dressing rooms/makeup rooms used to look back in the day. :)

  4. I love the way your vanity room is organized, Maggie! Its not cluttered and messy looking as some of the ones I've seen on youtube. Plus, I love that you used the original packing and packing from other items (the ferrero rocher boxes are something I've used to store items too!) to store stuff. How eco-friendly! I was just wondering, where did you get the acrylic cases that you store your palettes in? The ones on top of your desk? I'm guessing they're dvd cases. Love that idea!

    1. Thank you so much! Apologies for not getting to your comment sooner, it takes me a little longer with older posts. :)

      The acrylic cases are indeed DVD cases, and I got them from a store in Toronto called Solutions (http://www.solutions-stores.ca/ecommerce/control/main). I'm just sad that I didn't buy any of the old-format MAC palettes, since the new ones don't fit!

  5. Where did you but the makeup vanity? Thanks.

    1. It's just pieced together from a tabletop and the Alex drawer units from Ikea, and the mirror was a simple one from Home Sense that was painted to match the color of the rest of the pieces. :)

  6. What table top did you use? Also is it possible to get single shots of how you stored things by drawer? Thanks so much!! I'm about to start making my own woman cave as well, thanks for your amazing inspiration!!

  7. What table top did you use? Also is it possible to get single shots of how you stored things by drawer? Thanks so much!! I'm about to start making my own woman cave as well, thanks for your amazing inspiration!!


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